A chat app developed using React Native, Expo and Gifted Chat for use on both Android and iOS mobile devices. Includes custom actions for user to send photos and their location. Stored with Google Firestore (v7).
A 'meet-up' application that uses Google Calendar API to display event details for users in their searched city. User actions include searching for a specific city, or clicking "see all cities", plus editing how many events are displayed at a time. Also includes two charts to effectively display types of events (pie-chart) & number of events per city (scatterplot).
The client-side for an application called Bechflix based on its existing server-side code (movie_api) using Angular. The goal of this project was to recreate the Bechflix frontend app using Angular instead of React.
A basic JavaScript application that loads the Pokedex API for viewing. The application uses HTML, CSS & JavaScript functions along with polyfills, bootstrap & jQuery with modals, buttons & a navbar.